What I Learnt About Writing Workshop


What is writing workshop?

Teaching children to write enables them to express themselves clearly and creatively, developing a lifelong love of writing. To grow as writers, children need thorough instruction in the skill, mechanics, and process of writing.

Writing workshop is a student-centered framework for teaching the writing process and fostering students' development as competent and independent writers. Writing workshops are an effective technique for teachers to teach students to write. It guarantees that students acquire the ability to write. During writing workshops, students are encouraged to write for themselves and grow as writers. Furthermore, teachers cannot present the students a list of prompts and expect them to write about them. The writing workshop  enables students to exercise their freedom to select their own topic and working at their own pace. The writing workshop encompasses the whole writing process, from prewriting to drafting, editing, proofreading, and publishing.

The writing workshop framework is structured into three (3) parts. Which include:

1. Mini lesson (10 minutes)-During the writing workshop, the teacher facilitates learning by beginning the session with a mini-lesson.
2. Work time (25-30 minutes)- Children write independently during work time. They put what they've learnt into practice.
3. Share time (5 minutes)- Share time provides a chance for a few students to share with the whole class their ideas from their writing.

Conferencing is permitted during the writing workshop. Teachers may use conferences with students to provide them with customized teaching or to differentiate learners. Teachers may use this to evaluate students' writing informally, assess their comprehension of writing topics, and boost students' confidence by acknowledging their skills while also guiding them through their writing.

When I return to the classroom, I intend to model the writing workshop in order to assist my students with their writing and to help them grow as writers, especially struggling students .Additionally, I will encourage my students that it is okay to fail and that it is acceptable to alter their minds as they learn from their peers. Moreover, I will use this method at least twice per week, since it cannot be done on a daily basis due to deficiency of time. I am a firm believer that students may enhance their writing significantly after participating in writing workshops.



  1. Zoe, this piece is well written as it captures the essence of the writing workshops. It also relates to your previous post in which you stated that as teachers we should seek to become better writers in order to help our students. The writing workshops are important as they allow teachers to guide students into the writing process while still giving them freedom to work at their own pace.

  2. Zoe, this is well thought of and you are on the write path. As I read your blog, I smiled because it reminded of what I learnt about writing and teaching children to write. A website from which I usually gather teaching ideas, called Edutopia.org, has indulged me in the activities you have discussed. I can recall clearly a video on the same site when the teacher allowed the students to write freely and as she facilitated their learning she did not grade them. Instead she allowed them to make their mistakes and questioned them on why they choose particular vocabulary and wording etc. The rest was followed up through the writing workshops. It was so interesting that I can still recall it vividly. Furthermore, as you discussed in your last blog about the importance for teachers to write with students in order for them to be better writers, this too fits in so perfectly because as you allow your students to take part in these writing workshops, the better they become at using the process and becoming better writers making your job easier. Additionally, your blog is so pleasing as it captures the essence of the New Enhance Language Arts Curriculum as it intended to assist students to not only become better writers but speakers, listeners and readers and develop them wholesomely. I like your ideas Zoe, keep up the good work and you certainly will produce better writers as you continue to set your goals for you and students.

  3. Thank you so much for sharing this, Zoe; it's a fantastic suggestion for me as a teacher. Writing workshops appeal to me because they allow students to be themselves while also boosting their self-esteem. Writing workshops also ensure that students learn to write by putting their ideas down on paper and practicing the full writing process on a regular basis. This article is also relevant to your previous blog because teachers must be proficient writers in order to produce expert writers. Zoe, keep up the fantastic work.

  4. Zoe i definitely agree with you as writing workshops are definitely important. They are important as during these sessions teachers guide their students through the writing process so they become effective writers. Your post is definitely one that I would share with other teachers to help educate them on why writing workshops and conferences are essential in the classroom


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