Expository Writing


Welcome Back To This Week's Blog! 

So of course we took off a week to gather our thoughts but - big BUT- there is a whole lot I have to share with you this week. 

I am sure by now you have guessed this week's topic by our picture above. If you have guessed EXPOSITORY WRITING, you have indeed guessed right!


Expository Writing is another writing genre. 
According to, Purdue-owl (2021), expository writing is
 the investigation of an idea, 
the expansion of the idea and 
the description or explanation of an argument within the idea chosen. 


  •  focuses on a single topic.
  • apply expository text structures to organize their writing.
  • introduces the topic.
  • present information through topic sentences, and supporting and specific details.
  • use transitional words so that their writing may flow smoothly.


Expository pieces are written to:

1. Compare and Contrast           
    - This text structure is used by writers to                                     
 explain or describe how to or more things                                               
 are different or alike.                                                          
    - Words that are used in this text structure are:                  
        in comparison                        alike                                  
        same as                          on the other hand      
                    EXAMPLE of Organizer used

2. Sequence

 - Writers use this text structure to list 
    items or events in a numerical
    chronological order. 

- Words that are used in this text 
structure are:
  firstly,        secondly,         lastly, 
  next,            then,            finally

                    EXAMPLE of Organizer used

3. Problem and Solution                                                          

- This text structure is used by writers to
 explain a problem and suggest solutions. 
* This is similar to the question and answer 

- Words associated with this structure include:
    The problem is 

EXAMPLE of Organizer used

4. Analyze Cause and Effect

- Writers use the cause and effect text structure 
to explain the cause or causes of something and
the resulting effects. 

- Some words that are used are: 
    if ... then                    as a result
    because                      therefore

EXAMPLE of Organizer used

5. Description

 Writers list the characters, features and examples                         
  when describing a topic. 

- This expository text structure is used to provide 
   general information about a non fiction topic.

The information provided can be about people, 
   places, events, animals, etc. 

EXAMPLE of Organizer used


Expository writing can come in various forms. Some of these form include:

  1. All about books
  2. Individual Reports
  3. Alphabet Books
  4. Essays
  5. Almanacs
  6. Biographies

I hope you have enjoyed this week's blog.  See you next week!!!


  1. There are so many different types of expository writing pieces. As teachers, I think we have become too familiar with the process or sequencing type. I've had to write and rewrite 'How to make lemonade' or 'How to bake a cake' so much so that by now I should have been an expert lemonade and cake maker. It is important that we introduce students to as many different ways as possible of presenting their expository pieces.

  2. Expository writing is an interesting genre. There are numerous techniques to write an expository piece, and I will absolutely use them when I return to the classroom. I love how you've included graphic organizers to illustrate how each structure should be formed. Well done Mohanie


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